A useful feature for shops with the small catalog size. All variants of each product are shown on the collection pages as separate products. Also, they should be able to show secondary variant images on hover.
I’ve just come across a really similar use case where another merchant wants the ability to link products as separate variants on product pages as well. Here’s a shop with the feature built-in: https://elevenbyvenuswilliams.com/products/match-point-tee-in-white
Hey there,
Lynne here from the Fluorescent team!
I just want to let you know that we are going to archive this request. Displaying the product variants as separate products in the collection page as this is a platform limitation and the only way around this is to use Stiletto’s Sibling product swatch feature. To learn more about this feature, please visit our support document here: https://fluorescent.co/help/stiletto/sibling-product-swatches.
Thank you in advance for your understanding :)
I’ve been able to achieve this this way by editing the Dawn theme on my website (https://ceramichebenedetti.com/), so I think now it can be done: https://websensepro.com/blog/show-variants-as-separate-products-on-shopify